• 6001396235 (Office Desk)
  • Joypur, Kharghuli, P.B.No. 40, Guwahati-781004, Assam, India


Alternative Livelihood Education, Resource and Training Centre.

The Focus of the project/Objectives:

This project called – ALERT”aims to improve the quality of the life of the lower income families of Demoria Block. Mainly through sustainable livelihood programms. Focouse on 200 women from 10 villages

Secondly To bring up a livelihood training centre through which 700-1000 youth and women will be provided training in farm and off-farm

Measures, activities carried out and target group’s involvement (Activities)

1) Formation of different groups for women and youth

2) Introducing the project

3) training in different income generation programmes

4) motivational classes

Changes and achievements

This was mostly focusing on the development of the training centre, 80% achieved it in getting a centre